Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Compassion and no-self in the forum Principles of Dharma 6 years, 5 months ago
We can have an intellectual understanding of anatta, that will not necessarily manifest compassionate behaviour. When intellectual understanding progressively deepens and blossoms as insight (which also deepens), and that insight informs behaviour- that is what we call compassion. We become unable to act with aggression or seduction towards…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette changed their profile picture 6 years, 5 months ago
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Physical vs mental (jealousy) suffering in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Griffin!
It is an emptiness meditation on the constructed nature of self- we see how “the person who is suffering jealousy” arises (and with powerful mindfulness, see how it passes away too). It is called unfindable, as we will never be able to find that self as a discreet, point-out-a-ble entity.
There is a list of trained facilitators…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Physical vs mental (jealousy) suffering in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 6 years, 10 months ago
The best time to sit and investigate is in the heat of the moment, if at all possible. Looking at the thoughts, mental images and sensations- ask, “what does this say about me?” This can help to get to core beliefs around a sense of self “I’m unloveable” “I’m a victim” etc. Then by gently observing the thoughts, images and sensations- inquire…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Physical vs mental (jealousy) suffering in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Griffin!
Every time the strong compulsion of jealousy arises and you are able to be with it without acting on it- that compulsion grows weaker. It will be strong and uncomfortable for as long as it takes but it will diminish as you refuse to buy into it as you have been doing so courageously.
One thing that has been helpful to me with this…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Question on Arising of Insight in the forum Meditation 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Peter!
Things are often less either-or than the conceptual mind would like…
for example, “are insights deliberately cultivated (a technique to trigger it) or is it by chance through continued practice?” Continued practice IS deliberately cultivating insight (or preparing the ground for insight). The thing that is not truly predictable is…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Dharma Treasure Talks/Eight Fold Noble Path? in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 7 years ago
Hello Becky!
Try here: https://dharmatreasure.org/section/dharma-talks/curriculum/
It does contain specific talks regarding the 8 fold path.
-DT Teacher in Training -
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Renunciation and lay life in the forum Principles of Dharma 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing that article to show what you mean by renunciation.
One thing I appreciate about TMI as a book, is it’s subtlety. When you train in shamatha, that is the same thing as the first step of renunciation described in that article, don’t you think?
“Renunciation simply reverses this causal chain. You avoid sensory contact,…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Renunciation and lay life in the forum Principles of Dharma 7 years ago
Hi Samuel!
Yes- let’s clarify, how do you understand the renunciate methods as destroying passion?
The 3 nominal divisions (mind division, space division and pith instructions) of Dzogchen teachings made by Manjushrimitra aren’t self-exclusive, but are more like three ingredients in one cake, or three ways of looking at a jewel, not separate…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Renunciation and lay life in the forum Principles of Dharma 7 years ago
Hi Samuel!
Thank you for bringing these topics up.
I would disagree about tantra and dzogchen being non-renunciate methods. Especially if we are using the definition of renunciation as giving up the belief in self-existence. Rather, they are built on renunciation and require as a basis shamatha-vipassana. To not have that basis would be…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Renunciation and lay life in the forum Principles of Dharma 7 years ago
Hi Alex!
What a great question.
Insight develops from intellectual understanding to an intuitive understanding through study, contemplation and meditation. What may have brought you to study, contemplate and meditate?
There is a spectrum of faith- from blind faith (that person is a Lama, so everything they teach must be true and will get…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Stage 4 Questions in the forum Meditation 7 years ago
Hi Nick!
If the slightly loud breathing is intentional, it would be best to stop that habit and allow the breath to be natural and un-controlled. I agree with Ollie’s comments above regarding the breath.
Use labelling as frequently as you feel you are in a stage 3 type of sit. When things become more stable, then try letting go of it and…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Renunciation and lay life in the forum Principles of Dharma 7 years ago
Hi Samuel!
Well, you can’t get into the higher stages with significant aversion or craving. If we define renunciation as renouncing the belief in self-existence, since that belief is what gives rise to aversion and craving, it follows that one cannot exhibit the higher stages of meditation and awakening without renunciation.
Using unpleasant…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Thoughts on mixing Noting Techniques with TMI? in the forum Meditation 7 years, 1 month ago
I had been developing stable attention and powerful mindfulness, studying dharma intensively with many teachers and maintaining bodhisattva vows for 7 years before I even heard about noting practise.
The progress of insight is a map that I was only rather recently (a year and half ago) introduced to, and although I have studied it, received…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Thoughts on mixing Noting Techniques with TMI? in the forum Meditation 7 years, 1 month ago
Incorporate whatever practise works, towards awakening. Noting is fantastic, as is dedicated practise to a technique that is functioning well for you. TMI provides a beautiful, nuanced roadmap- you chart your way up the mountain. I did a period of intense noting that paid off in spades through the door of impermanence.…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Vipassana Mediitation Center — very confused in the forum Meditation 7 years, 2 months ago
Good morning!
I have a soft spot for Goenka-ji retreats, having started my meditation career with them, and experienced deep benefit.
That being said, I do wish I had been introduced to the conceptual framework presented in TMI with regards to what constitutes shamatha, what defines vipassana and how ones meditation experiences translate…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Dependent Arising: Difficulty with Sensations in the forum Meditation 7 years, 2 months ago
Scary sounds like incomplete integration of insight experience =) (aka dark night). I’ve been through my share of that. The experience of wonder started to arise when insight into selflessness deepened-
TMI’s Appendix F has been a huge support in putting “scary insight experience” into perspective.
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic time to switch to other practices? in the forum Meditation 7 years, 2 months ago
Good morning!
It sounds to me like you are approaching this in a beautiful way- taking into account your overall situation and following intuitive guidance towards relaxation and clarity.
I don’t see how that isn’t continuing along the map laid out in TMI. Remembering not to identify with impatience- sub-minds with conflicting intentions…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Dependent Arising: Difficulty with Sensations in the forum Meditation 7 years, 2 months ago
Good morning!
We discussed this In our class yesterday, here’s a summary:
In the meditation on dependant arising both awareness and attention are working together- high state of mindfulness- observing rather than analyzing.
To the degree that the meditator may need or want to analyze this, they would wait and do it afterwards.
They are…[Read more]
Meshe Mooette replied to the topic Checking in/further difficulties in the forum Meditation 7 years, 2 months ago
I have also experienced a lot of physical tensions during sits, and so have experimented a lot with my position. I have found that supine (lying down) is best for me. Or meditating after some yoga asana.
Once there is stability of attention, the sensations of tension can also serve as an object of inquiry- looking to see if they are…[Read more]
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