New Board?


This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nick C 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #3699


    Has a new board been chosen? If so, who are they?

    Is there any information about how the Sangha is going to move forward in the current situation?



    Hi Dennis,

    In the personal meditation retreats section of the website ( says “The Dharma Treasure Retreat Center is currently being reorganized, and we are NOT taking retreat bookings at this time. Please check back after September 15th.”

    I guess they will be taking a decision about the reorganisation around that date.



    By the way, does anyone involved with this situation would like to come out with more details?

    I assume that here, at this forum, there are people who know Culadasa personally and may give some new information that will help us understand what really happened and why.



    Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll check back then.


    Nick C

    The current board is taking applicants for a new board, and is hoping to start interviews in later September. I think a lot is up in the air right now.

    – Nick

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