Darlene T replied to the topic Breath not really in the center in the forum Meditation 5 years, 5 months ago
You will notice in your meditation that at times nothing is where we think it should be lol. Ricardo, eye position response is helpful for sure. The stage you are at may also determine any answer one might provide. To Lemmefly…there is a difference between the “initial appearance, and the acquired appearance of the breath…in the…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic stream enterer to Mahayana in the forum Principles of Dharma 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi Tom, I relate to and support Kim’s response and believe it is spot on. I do think that Culadasa’s teachings would be and are applicable in any tradition, and as a Mahayana/Zen and Vajrayana practioner myself there is no conflict provided there is some understanding of why we are practicing a particular practice and where it will take us.…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Staying in 6 prrlimary stages for too long in the forum Meditation 6 years, 1 month ago
Hi Roger,
It might be that as you say, your patience is well practiced. I believe you are actually leaning into stage 5 practice without the benefit of the earlier practices. I would certainly encourage going forward with the following, connecting, labeling! Best wishes,
N Darlene Tataryn (TMI teacher in training)
Darlene T replied to the topic My body feels weird. Part of the process? in the forum Meditation 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi Chris,
The body certainly is sensational and energetic as you have well experienced. Play around with it more…reduce the scope of attention to just one foot and so on…include larger parts such as both legs and pelvis, or just the torso. It doesn’t mean you won’t have sensations in other parts of the body but leave them to the periphery…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic (How) can I change the point of focus from the nostrils to the hara? in the forum Meditation 6 years, 3 months ago
Perhaps try this. Think bottom to top. Place your attention at tantien/hara about 4 inches down from the belly button and move attention to mid body or another 4 inches in. Breathe and experience expansion throughout the whole abdomen…as if radiating from the centre of the body in all directions. You should be able to feel the…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Going beyond conceptions of the breath in the forum Meditation 6 years, 5 months ago
Interesting conversation and helpful responses. As progress into deeper meditation takes place I tend to go with knowing or recognizing without the labeling…just as in experiencing any element… the rush of heat, or the feeling of air movement against the skin, we feel it and know it as it is experienced, as was suggested in different words in…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Dharma Treasure in Canada in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 6 years, 6 months ago
Hey Tony!
You are welcome! Enjoy the exploration. Re Nick G and anatta…yes TMI definitely helps with strong dukkha in that it really explains in western language what Buddha was teaching about one of the three marks (anicca, dukkha, anatta) of existence and how we entangle in our own self contraction and suffer…quite the ride!
Darlene T replied to the topic Dharma Treasure in Canada in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 6 years, 6 months ago
LOL….also The Dharma Centre of Canada in northern Ontario (two hours from Toronto…and then there is also Clear Sky near Fort Steele in BC. main teachers being Sensei Doug Duncan and Catherine P. Lama Mark Weber has a retreat centre on Galiano Island called Crystal Mountain and he is well known to lead long retreats…and travels alot. These…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Dharma Treasure in Canada in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi Again Jhapeti James!
There is also The Hermitage on Denman Island off the Coast of Vancouver Island BC…a beautiful rustic setting for long term sitting and good teaching resources.
Darlene Tataryn (TMI Teacher in Training)
Darlene T replied to the topic Dharma Treasure in Canada in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 6 years, 6 months ago
Hello Jhapeti James!
arrowriverforest@gmail.com; This is the email address to contact Punnadhammo at the Arrow River Hermitage near Thunder Bay…I’m sure he would be happy to hear from you!
Darlene Tataryn (TMI Teacher in Training)
Darlene T replied to the topic Question on First Ultra Lite Jhana in the forum Meditation 6 years, 7 months ago
Sounds like piti experiences and an ultra lite Jhana to me1
Darlene (Teacher in Training)
Darlene T replied to the topic Questions on involuntary body movements in the forum Meditation 6 years, 7 months ago
Hello Samuel,
Quite an exploration! I am becoming more and more interested in the kinds of involuntary movements you are speaking of and how they might be the same, or different, on or off the cushion. I’m glad you were able to speak to a Lama who was able to guide you regarding too much effort. Effort of any kind results in muscular tension…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic The Object of Meditation in the forum Meditation 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jerry,
Good question…and an answer might depend on intention. If you are working with “the body of the breath” you can note the changes in your breathing as you experience the purification. When the body sensation is strong and has some attention and your chosen object is the breath you can say attention is alternating between breath and…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Zooming in too much in the forum Meditation 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Filipe,
In my mind, if the emotions are strong they already are centre stage. Pushing them away or holding them close and building into the emotionality are both problematic. However, as Blake says, if they keep pulling your attention they need acknowledgement at very least and at best be labelled for what they are.
To do this, return to…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Proceed to Stage 4 or train introspective attention? in the forum Meditation 6 years, 9 months ago
Hello and Welcome Elea.
Perhaps, given you are still experiencing gross distractions, this would still be a good time to make what was an unconscious process (introspective awareness that prevented forgetting and wandering) into a more conscious and intentional process. Be curious about your minds capacity to be aware of its activity, and its…[Read more]
Darlene T changed their profile picture 6 years, 10 months ago
Darlene T changed their profile picture 6 years, 10 months ago
Darlene T replied to the topic Questions on involuntary body movements in the forum Meditation 6 years, 10 months ago
Hello Samuel,
Thank you for the links…I’ve checked out the first one and find it quite good…very representative of Buddha Dharma in a very accessible form. Dzogchen, Mahamudra, and Zen, although they are of different lineages point to non dual awareness. In the case of Mahamudra it is the culmination of the trajectory of practices…whereas…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic Physical vs mental (jealousy) suffering in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 6 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for the question and for the responses. I believe a few different perspectives on the same question can have great value. All I would add is for you to explore other literature, specifically the Attachment work by Ainsworth and or Crittendon. This can help you identify how the particular emotional pattern may have been constructed in…[Read more]
Darlene T replied to the topic A string of beads? in the forum Meditation 6 years, 11 months ago
Hi Bernadette,
Yes. I would certainly say so…This is truly conscious embodiment…
You have expressed this beautifully. I would love to hear at some point how you would then weave mind moments into language within this explanation.
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