Is it true to say

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This topic contains 35 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Bernadette 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Julian over there in Christchurch 🙂

    Thank you, I would appreciate knowing someone here in Perth involved in this pathway..B


    Ivan Ganza

    Hi Bernadette,

    It does sound familiar.

    Honestly sounds very within the range of what is reasonable to expect. The habit of being kind-of ‘fused’ with thought is an old one. Naturally it may feel uncomfortable when this is being shaken up.

    The forced feeling is okay for now. At first it does feel forced. That will change with time.

    Keep on with the practice based on where you are in the book. All will work itself out in time 😉



    Hi Ivan

    That is reassuring. Ok, on we go!.



    “Fused with thought” is a very accurate description. I would like to stay with this train of thought for a little while as i sense inwardly that the dialogue between us is having an ungluing effect on that fusion. Is it ok with you if i pursue this further here?


    Ivan Ganza




    Hello Ivan,

    I hope this finds you well where you are.

    Does a time come through practice that thinking occurs in an aware space and not in the rarefied atmosphere of seemingly only being the thinking event?




    Hi Bernadette,
    I’m getting in on the conversation a bit later. Yes, I agree with Ivan.

    What Stage are you in?

    The practice is based on setting intentions. That’s called “Goals” on p. 45 of TMI book.

    Keeping the intention simple, for each sit, and even setting micro-intentions, during a sit (soft verbal reminder) is recommended.

    Be sure to review Table 4, Preparation for Meditation before each sit. So very helpful.

    Also, be sure to do the four step preparation for meditation at the beginning of every sit. p. 48.
    Culadasa recommends this, no matter what Stage you are in.

    The last paragraph on p. 126, which is Stage 4, is a good summary of thoughts arising and passing away in peripheral awareness. That would be the answer to the question above, I think.


    Mary Hill
    Teacher in Training



    Hi Mary,

    Thank you for the detail on the book references. ?




    It seems to me that attempting focussing on the detail of the breath and on peripheral awareness requires a constant shifting which therefore doesn’t feel stable.

    Your thoughts on this?



    Goal setting right now involves a choice from “everything” How to narrow it down is my question.



    How can i tell which stage im at with any certainty?



    Sometimes it is hard to determine precisely what stage one is in, without a skilled facilitator leading you.
    I would advise reading the goals of each stage, and the end of the chapter on each stage. That may help.
    In teacher training, we’ve discussed whether it’s being in a particular stage 80/20% of the time or 70/30$ of the time. Culadasa says either is acceptable.

    Or read an entire chapter on the stage you are guessing you are in, and see if it rings true. You may have progressed.

    As far as goal setting is concerned, keep it very simple.

    Early on, I would set my goals specifically on something I read in each stage that was something to learn at that stage.

    For instance, at one point, my goal was simply to follow the breath during the entire sit.

    Sitting a simple goal, and only one, at first, helped me progress.

    Later on, it was connecting. later on, it was checking in.

    There are online sanghas. I recommend Nicholas Grabovac. He was my teacher for 2.5 years and I still consult with him from time to time.

    I also do online one on one consulting, as do many other teachers in training. You can find out about this on the website.

    Or perhaps one of the teachers in training in your hemisphere does online, live (Skype or Google hang out) consulting.

    Best, Mary Hill


    Ivan Ganza

    Hi Bernadette,

    |Does a time come through practice that thinking occurs in an aware space and not in the rarefied atmosphere of seemingly only being the thinking event?

    The answer is yes.

    If we use TMI terminology, thoughts arise _first_ in peripheral awareness, with each thought basically trying to bait attention so it (the thought) can become the star of the show.

    So thoughts basically occur first in that aware space. Then the thought grabs attention, until the next though comes along, and the process repeats itself. Most people are going to spend their entire lives like this.

    When following the practices of TMI, you would inevitably have the experience of thoughts arising in peripheral awareness, and basically remaining in peripheral awareness, similar to a shooting star in the sky, the thought would travel or hang around in peripheral awareness for a bit, and then disappear.

    I think what are are really talking about is knowing how thoughts arise in the two contexts, in the context of peripheral awareness, and the context of attention being brought to bare on a thought.

    In terms of your question, if you keep on with the practice, I suspect you will inevitably have this experience.


    Ivan Ganza

    Hi Bernadette,

    Quick note: I’m not sure if you are familiar. There are a wealth of audio recordings available on the DT website. They can serve as an excellent aid to practicing from the book. Really helps fill things into context. Would highly recommend the teaching retreats.




    Dear Ivan,

    That is a very clear description and differentiates the two “spaces” and how thought moves through them and in what sequence. Thank you. I can work with that now on the cushion this evening and in coming days.

    Thank you for the heads up regarding the audio archives. I have been listening to the recordings steadily over the past weeks now in time order and will focus in especially on the teaching retreats as you suggest.

    Kind regards Bernadette

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