Pierre replied to the topic TMI retreat at The Hermitage, Oct 1-8 2019 in the forum Events 5 years, 6 months ago
thanks Alex, I do have an account on that subreddit and I just asked one of the moderators for permission to post this announcement. It is part of the policy of that subreddit that teachers have to ask permission first, as the posts are supposed to be for students to ask questions.
Pierre -
Pierre started the topic TMI retreat at The Hermitage, Oct 1-8 2019 in the forum Events 5 years, 6 months ago
I am going to lead a 8-day retreat based on The Mind Illuminated at The Hermitage retreat centre in Denman Island, British Columbia, Canada https://thehermitage.ca/retreats from Oct 1st to Oct 8th, 2019. Some of the nice things about this retreat is that at The Hermitage you have your own single-occupancy kuti (cabin), and there is a chef that…[Read more]
Pierre‘s profile was updated 5 years, 6 months ago
Pierre replied to the topic a single sit; one long meditation or a couple of meditations in the forum Meditation 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi Tom, that’s a good question that many practitioners face. For my own, I have often adapted the practice to what is happening during the sit and found it beneficial. I may have started with the intention of doing one practice and look out for the kind of obstacles that was present at the last sit, only to find that on that day some entirely d…[Read more]
Pierre replied to the topic Possible to Become Arahant Now? in the forum Principles of Dharma 5 years, 10 months ago
In the Buddhist cosmology, as in the ancient Indian cosmology, the world has no beginning nor end and is cyclical (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_cosmology#Temporal_cosmology). There are periods when the last Buddha’s teachings are lost. If you are born during such a period, you are out of luck……[Read more]
Pierre replied to the topic No-Self/True-Self/Consciousness/Pure-Awareness in the forum Principles of Dharma 5 years, 11 months ago
That you very much Alex for bringing this interesting and profound subject up in such a clear way. I agree with you that early Buddhism seems at odds with Vedic and Mahayana concepts of True Self, Universal Consciousness, the Ground of Being, etc. Early Buddhism stand on the subject is perhaps most explicit in the Bahiya Sutta, where the Buddha…[Read more]
Pierre changed their profile picture 5 years, 11 months ago