Chloe B replied to the topic What is yoniso manasikāra in the TMI system? in the forum Principles of Dharma 6 years, 7 months ago
I am not actually seeing where the conflict or absence is in the system based on the definition you shared. Can you point out precisely what you feel is missing? It may just be because in the book TMI Culadasa focuses heavily on the meditation aspects but in the rest of his teachings he focuses on the complete 8 fold path. One thing he says…[Read more]
Chloe B replied to the topic Practice with great physical and mental fatigue in the forum Meditation 6 years, 9 months ago
Hi Kim,
I suggest you deal with your adrenal fatigue first. It’s one of the reasons you are feeling wired and tired. I am not a doctor but have dealt with the same problem. I suggest you see an acupuncture, Chinese medicine doctor or tibetan doctor to help you rebalance your energy system. Dr Avivva Romm also makes great supplements that use…[Read more]
Chloe B replied to the topic Ten day meditation at home in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 6 years, 10 months ago
Bernadette – not sure where you are located in the world. Tucker is an authorized teacher by Culadasa and he has an online sangha. You can also reach out an do meditation audiences with him if you need help. It is a good idea to have some sort of sangha even if it is online and at a distance. https://meditatewithtucker.com/
Chloe B replied to the topic Forcing myself to Meditate in the forum Meditation 6 years, 12 months ago
I think this depends. For one there is no way to use willpower to meditate although your strong intention/ motivation to do so can your mind train itself to do so. You feel like you are in control of your mind but you are really not in control of all areas that is why you are training it over time. It’s not at all harmful to constantly be…[Read more]
Chloe B‘s profile was updated 7 years ago
Chloe B replied to the topic Want to Avoid Dark Night of the Soul in the forum Meditation 7 years ago
Hi JC,
It’s great that you are entering meditation with eyes wide open. That said many people who practice dharma do not experience the Dark Night of the Soul. You may be more likely to experience it if you practice meditation with extreme dedication without also practicing the other aspects of buddha dharma such as cultivating virtue and…[Read more]
Chloe B‘s profile was updated 7 years ago