Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic How to Maintain Mindfulness During Work and Reading? in the forum Meditation 6 years, 4 months ago
Hi Mohnish,
Everything you say is correct, except that 100% attention and 0% awareness isn’t really possible. This is because attention operates within the field of conscious awareness, and everything that is taken as an object of consciousness must first appear in awareness. So attention may occupy nearly all of the field of conscious…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Culadasa is now offering private consultations online in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi Colleen. One way is to send an email to consultations@culadasa.com describing what you want to do (ie. donate a session or pay, for example, 1/2 the cost of a session for someone) and I will post the offer the way I did yesterday for another person who has donated two sessions.
The generosity that has been forthcoming regarding these online…[Read more] -
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Culadasa is now offering private consultations online in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 7 years, 6 months ago
Hello to All,
A very kind and generous person has responded to this discussion by donating two consultations.
Please feel free to recommend anyone you think might gain some special benefit from one of these opportunities. I feel like members of this community know each other well enough to make that discernment. You can recommend yourself as well.…[Read more] -
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Culadasa is now offering private consultations online in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 7 years, 6 months ago
Dear Samuel, It gives me great joy to know that you have benefited from my teachings.
I’m sorry that my offer of consultations for money has offended you, but I find your association of this offer with cults quite confusing, whether in your mind or the mind of anyone else you might suggest this community to. Cults ask for money, but don’t offer…[Read more] -
Upasaka Culadasa started the topic Culadasa is now offering private consultations online in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 7 years, 7 months ago
Culadasa is now available for personal Dharma and Meditation consultations online.
Working one-on-one with Culadasa is an especially effective way to make rapid progress in your practice, as many meditators have discovered doing solo meditation retreats at Cochise Stronghold.
Culadasa is now available for a limited number of hours each week to…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic General Announcements in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 8 years, 2 months ago
Hi Don,
Yes, please feel free to use those terms. I’m very happy to have you do so.
I would greatly appreciate as much information as you are willing to share of your researches into McGilchrist’s work and the parallels you have drawn. I’ve only recently discovered McGilchrist on Youtube and was quite excited to hear what he was saying. I am…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Yet another question about introspective awareness in the forum Meditation 8 years, 6 months ago
A number of people in this and other forums are struggling with the difference between attention and awareness, particularly with knowing whether something is known through awareness alone, or through alternating attention.
First, let me point out that peripheral awareness is not some new ability you have to acquire. It’s an innate faculty that e…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Yet another question about introspective awareness in the forum Meditation 8 years, 6 months ago
A number of people in this and other forums are struggling with the difference between attention and awareness, particularly with knowing whether something is known through awareness alone, or through alternating attention.
First, let me point out that peripheral awareness is not some new ability you have to acquire. It’s an innate faculty that e…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Questions about peripheral awareness and continuous introspective awareness in the forum Meditation 8 years, 6 months ago
Matthew has provided a very accurate explanation of the problems with the moments of consciousness model. It’s always important to remember that any model is just a model, and that every model breaks down when you push it beyond its design limits. This particular model reflects the almost universal subjective experience of meditators for thousands…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Stage 4 and introspective awareness in the forum Meditation 8 years, 8 months ago
Hi Mikael,
First of all, the out-breath sensations are subtler than the in-breath, whether at the nose or the belly. It’s much less important whether or not or how clearly you can perceive these sensations than that attention is fully occupied with trying to detect those sensations. As long as the attention is anchored to the breath sensations,…[Read more] -
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Walking meditation question in the forum Meditation 8 years, 9 months ago
Hi John,
I think you are over-interpreting the instruction a bit. Think about the sitting practice. In Stages One through Six, even though your intention is to focus attention solely on the breath sensations, attention will still be alternating with distractions, both gross and subtle distractions in Stages One through Four, and subtle…[Read more]
Upasaka Culadasa started the topic Introducing Dharma Treasure teachers-in-training in the forum Announcements 10 years ago
Hello Everyone,
I am delighted to introduce you to the Dharma Treasure teachers-in-training, who will be available to answer your questions on this forum:
Blake Barton
Jesse Fallon
Jeremy Graves
Nick […] -
Upasaka Culadasa replied to the topic Translating Culadasa's 10 Stages into Chinese in the forum Help Wanted or Offered 11 years, 3 months ago
Hi Paul,
I replied directly to you some time ago, and attached a .pdf file of a Chinese translation. Did you ever receive that?
We’re in the process of arranging for a Chinese translation of the entire […]
Upasaka Culadasa joined the group
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Upasaka Culadasa changed their profile picture 12 years, 1 month ago