Zhuo_Ming-Dao replied to the topic What does your practice look like? TMI Samatha-Vipassana Practitioner Survey in the forum Dharma Practice in Daily Life 6 years, 1 month ago
Have you thought about offering the survey to the TMI Reddit group or was your intention to keep it more in house? If you do post it in the Reddit group, that would likely give you a few hundred more data points.
Zhuo_Ming-Dao replied to the topic List of Recommended Podcasts in the forum Dharma Audio, Video 6 years, 6 months ago
Both of the next two are great in their own rights and have had Culadasa on their shows:
– The One You Feed with Eric Zimmer
– Buddha at the Gas Pump with Rick Archer
This one is also excellent:
– Buddhist Geeks with Vincent Horn
Zhuo_Ming-Dao changed their profile picture 7 years ago