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  • #2639

    Hi Sheldon,

    I have a good amount of experience with wild,violent,crazy, bodily movements like the body flopping all over the place, tongue thrusting out, arms, legs, all the body parts shaking in waves. Over time, I have come to see them as ever-deepening purifications of body-mind – all good stuff and nothing to try to get through, or get rid of, or even to worry about. When they come, I allow them to do whatever they do. There is usually a pattern, of soft movement movement that builds up to a crescendo of flailing wildly about and usually it works its way through the whole body. For instance, going through the legs, arms, hips, back, stomach, arms, shoulders, neck, head, eyes, mouth etc. — wave after wave until it peters out.

    Hope that helps a bit.

    All the best,


    Dear GC,
    So wonderful to be loving others. In answer to your first question, both repeating the phrases over and over, while simultaneously, ease-fully, sensing into / visualizing the presence of the one(s) you are offering these kind wishes to, all done with alertness and wakefulness, settles the mind into a concentrated state (a gathering, a unifying). As the mind concentrates and settles, an expansive may joy arise, as it has done for you. If your intention is to deepen in this particular practice, allow the joy to arise, be, grow, dissipate, intensify; in short, allow it to do what it will do as part of the constellation of the overall experience as you continue to do the practice. You don’t need to take up the joy aspect as the intended object of your concentration, as it is a result of the unifying mind, which is a softening, a priming for deeper insight into the union of you and all.
    Lots of love,
    DT Teacher

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