Shelly Hubman replied to the topic Help, Stuck for two years, convulsions during vipassana in the forum Meditation 6 years, 11 months ago
Hi Sheldon,
I have a good amount of experience with wild,violent,crazy, bodily movements like the body flopping all over the place, tongue thrusting out, arms, legs, all the body parts shaking in waves. Over time, I have come to see them as ever-deepening purifications of body-mind – all good stuff and nothing to try to get through, or get rid…[Read more]
Shelly Hubman replied to the topic Loving-kindness and concentration in the forum Meditation 7 years, 11 months ago
Dear GC,
So wonderful to be loving others. In answer to your first question, both repeating the phrases over and over, while simultaneously, ease-fully, sensing into / visualizing the presence of the one(s) you are offering these kind wishes to, all done with alertness and wakefulness, settles the mind into a concentrated state (a gathering, a…[Read more] -
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