• Junot C replied to the topic Guided Body Scan in the forum Meditation 6 years, 1 month ago

    This may be the droid you’re looking for:

  • Hi Blake,

    Thank you for your response and suggestions. I’m taking a much more relaxed attitude to the body scan and the tension is much better; I find I need to monitor it quite closely. actively relax, and be gentle with myself to avoid forcing attention. I appreciate you giving me the context that it might take a long time to develop the…[Read more]

  • Hi Blake,

    Thank you for your response and suggestions. I’m taking a much more relaxed attitude to the body scan and the tension is much better; I find I need to monitor it quite closely and actively relax and be gentle with myself and not to force attention. I appreciate you giving me the context that it might take a long time to develop the…[Read more]

  • Thank you Pop, I’ll look at that video more closely, although my Chinese is a bit rusty 😉 I appreciate your advice regarding the tension too.

  • Greetings everyone,

    I’m hoping you will be able to give me some help with the Stage 5 (S5) body scan.

    Here’s the context:

    I’ve been working on S5 since January and spent most of that time working on subtle dullness, which is now quickly dispelled, for the most part. My perception of the meditation object (MO) – sensations at the nose – isn’t…[Read more]

  • Greetings everyone,

    I’m hoping you will be able to give me some help with the Stage 5 (S5) body scan.

    Here’s the context:

    I’ve been working on S5 since January and spent most of that time working on subtle dullness, which is now quickly dispelled, for the most part. My perception of the meditation object (MO) – sensations at the nose – isn’t…[Read more]

  • Junot C replied to the topic Strong dullness in the forum Meditation 7 years, 4 months ago

    Well no guarantees on the time frame, but thought it might help to let you know it can take some time. Culadasa does say expressly in the book to be prepared to work with dullness for entire sessions (p.145). Really though, the walking meditation interlude was well worth it. I think what’s happening is that one is trying to ‘reprogram’ your…[Read more]

  • Junot C replied to the topic Strong dullness in the forum Meditation 7 years, 4 months ago

    I only recently overcame this myself after struggling with it for 3 months… and it sucked.

    The one thing that helped me was straightening (or more accurately, lengthening) my spine; (think pushing the ceiling up with your head) when dullness sets in. Like Ted Lemon said: catch it early!

    Also I started changing up my routine a bit: 20min…[Read more]

  • Hi Ivan,

    Yes that was me 🙂 I orginally posted the question in Culadasa’s AMA but he didn’t have time to get to it.

    I have done a lot of psychological work on myself over the last for years before I started meditating and I was thinking that it may have resolved a lot of things. But thank you for your answer; it is inline with what I was…[Read more]

  • Purification of Mind was described as “equivalent to years of therapy, and.. crucial for for progressing through the Ten Stages.” (p. 139)

    In discussing this process (p. 134), Culadasa give the impression that there will be a bubbling to the surface of all kinds of unconscious material and that this purification will be quite a dramatic process…[Read more]

  • Purification of Mind was described as “equivalent to years of therapy, and.. crucial for for progressing through the Ten Stages.” (p. 139)

    In discussing this process (p. 134), Culadasa give the impression that there will be a bubbling to the surface of all kinds of unconscious material and that this purification will be quite a dramatic process…[Read more]

  • Junot C changed their profile picture 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Junot C‘s profile was updated 7 years, 6 months ago