Should disclosing key weaknesses be a norm here?

Front Page Forums Dharma Practice in Daily Life Should disclosing key weaknesses be a norm here?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Samuel 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    I have recently been exposed to the notion of “key weaknesses” as a valuable cultural tool. The term refers to the weaknesses that a person has to work on to become more effective.

    The idea is that people should try to identify their current key weaknesses. Next they should disclose them to their community so they can receive feedback. The goal is to create a culture where feedback is given and received freely and maturely, creating continuous growth.

    A formal mechanism we can use is to create a new forum. Those interested can create a topic where others can help them identify and work on their key weaknesses. This creates a convenient place for disclosing ones key weaknesses and receiving feedback.

    I am interested in what the members of this community have to say,

    P.S. One of my current key weaknesses is not communicating clearly.


    Ivan Ganza

    Hi Samuel,

    Can you elaborate on the context of your question — Are you thinking this is applicable to the domain of meditation practice? Or more for example related to personal improvement and betterment?


    (DT Teacher in Training)



    Hi Samuel,

    An intriguing idea.

    Are you aware of this activity being done online, in an open forum? It seems to be a delicate process that would achieve more consistent results if it were done in a smaller group, perhaps when the participants were able to meet face to face? Clear guidelines for providing feedback would be essential.

    Perhaps someone with some experience working with groups could weigh-in.

    Colleen (Dharma Treasure, Teacher in Training)



    Hello Colleen,

    I am unaware of this being done on an open forum and after thinking about it I do not think it should. I would like to say however that there is a company called Next Jump where everyone’s key weaknesses are available in a database that any employee can access. It is simply not acceptable at Next Jump to have 0 key weaknesses. Even the CEO has specific things that they want feedback on. While new employees are at first uncomfortable with this they quickly get use to it and find it helpful.

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