Ricardo replied to the topic New Board? in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 5 years, 5 months ago
Hi Dennis,
In the personal meditation retreats section of the website (https://dharmatreasure.org/personal-meditation-retreats/) says “The Dharma Treasure Retreat Center is currently being reorganized, and we are NOT taking retreat bookings at this time. Please check back after September 15th.”
I guess they will be taking a decision about the…[Read more]
Ricardo replied to the topic Breath not really in the center in the forum Meditation 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi lemmefly,
Yes, I’ve noticed something similar. In the book The Mind Illuminated it is advised that one should position their eyes as if you were reading a book. This has helped me. However, sometimes by putting the breath sensations in the centre I feel cross-eyed and that leads to a bit of discomfort. When that happens, I try to relax my eyes…[Read more]
Ricardo replied to the topic 7 months, no real progress, monkey mind prevails in the forum Meditation 5 years, 6 months ago
I get what you mean Laura by not hitting the happy medium. I’ve been there many times. When I get too serious at the beginning of the sit then I fail to tune in to the good feels of being present. I would say, do not worry too much just now about being in a “lower energy state”. If I understand correctly, that lower energy state is related to…[Read more]
Ricardo replied to the topic 7 months, no real progress, monkey mind prevails in the forum Meditation 5 years, 6 months ago
Hi Laura. Congrats on your progress so far, you have a really solid practice in terms of consistency and time! Also it is a great achievement that you are able to catch a distraction in peripheral awareness before it catches your attention!
What I believe has been useful to me to make mind wandering shorter and shorter is that I’ve developed a…[Read more]
Ricardo replied to the topic TMI Map in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 5 years, 7 months ago
Valparaiso added.
Ricardo replied to the topic Login information is transmitted without encryption in the forum Dharma Treasure Community Information 5 years, 7 months ago
Hi, today I logged in for the first time and firefox notified me of this security issue. Let me know if I can be of any help in this matter.
Ricardo -
Ricardo replied to the topic TMI Companion Mobile App Community Survey in the forum Help Wanted or Offered 5 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone, this is my first post here in this forum.
That’s a great idea! I just filled the survey. Will you tell us here the results of the survey?