Retreat June 2015?

Front Page Forums Events Retreat June 2015?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chris Gagne 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Chris Gagne

    Hello all,

    I came to learn of Master Culadasa via Darrin and Claire and have greatly appreciated the Light on Meditation handouts and recordings.

    I’m interested in the event this coming June in MA; is this still likely to happen? Are there any further details available?




    Jesse Fallon

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your interest in retreat with Culadasa! We are looking now at whether this summer retreat in Massachusetts will still go forward, and if not, whether or not there will be a relocated retreat at a similar time somewhere else. We should have more concrete information for you by the end of this weekend.

    Best wishes,
    Jesse Fallon


    Jesse Fallon

    Hi again Chris,

    Update on the Summer Retreat 2015 in Massachusetts. Culadasa has decided to postpone the next multi-day group meditation retreat in Massachusetts until after his meditation book comes out. We don’t yet have a new date for the Massachusetts retreat.

    Culadasa has added a Summer retreat at Cochise Stronghold in southeast Arizona to his schedule for this year. So if you are still interested in attending a Summer retreat with him this year, that is an option for you. The dates are July 3-12. For more information you can go to:

    Wishing you well,


    Chris Gagne

    Wonderful, thanks Jesse!

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