Applications are being Accepted for Next Dedicated Practitioners Course

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This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Aayush 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3167

    Blake Barton

    We’re excited to offer the Dedicated Practitioner Course again this fall. Designed to give serious students the structure and support to deepen their practice, this 8-month interactive online course offers a disciplined framework for learning about and practicing meditation in the style of The Mind Illuminated, focusing specifically on stages one through six, while integrating the essential teachings of the Buddha Dharma in the form of the Noble Eightfold Path. This class is one of the prerequisites for teacher training classes with Culadasa.

    More information and the application form can be found here.


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  Blake Barton.

    Chris M

    Hi Blake,

    I see that, last time, there were two classes offered at different times on Saturday. I work on Saturdays, I’m home by 4pm PT, what times will the course(s) be starting this fall?



    Blake Barton

    Hi Chris,

    The link is for the upcoming classes and the times are correct. We only offered one class last time. Do we have an incorrect date in there somewhere that made you think it was for the last course?



    Chris M

    My mistake, I must have opened the ‘sticky’ topic at the top of the page in this forum, and saw the info from the last course, I didn’t click on the link in this post.

    Thanks again,

    ** edit, I’m confused, I’m not sure what I was looking at and why I thought it was information for the previous course. brain fart.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  Chris M.

    Blake Barton

    Thanks for the information Chris. I have removed the old post to avoid any confusion in the future.



    Chris M

    Just asking – is there any chance of offering one of the classes on another day? Saturdays during the day excludes quite a few people – those who work weekends, and those who leave town for the weekend.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  Chris M.


    I would be interested in another day as well, if anyone’s counting. Weekday evenings are the least busy for me. Weekends are tough because of family/kids.



    I have the same problem.
    I would love to take this course but a lot of my Saturdays are taken ;-(
    If there is any way to combine my available Saturdays with catching up by watching recordings etc. that would be great.
    Thank you.


    Blake Barton

    Hi Chris, JavaJeff, and InD,

    Thanks for the feedback regarding weekends. It is difficult to schedule this event, because, in the current course, we have students from throughout the world, some in vastly different time zones. For example, we have students in North America, Europe, India, Japan and Australia.

    We considered a week night, but it would not work very well for time zones outside of North America. Even within North America the times would not be ideal. For example, 6:00 PM PST would be 9:00 EST.

    We do allow students to miss up to three classes and still receive the certificate of completion. Recordings are available, but we do want students to attend in person and contribute to the discussion.

    We will consider a weeknight class in the future depending on overall demand for the course.




    Hi Blake,

    I am super interested in taking this course. I meet all requirements except – Minimum of 7 days experience in residential silent intensive meditation retreat experience (this does not need to be consecutive days).

    Unfortunately, I do not have this experience and I plan to do it sometime in future. But, for this course i was wondering if it can be waived. Please let me know so I can register and not miss a spot in the class.



    Blake Barton

    Hi Prashant,

    When selecting applicants we look at several factors in addition to retreat experience. If you have a strong daily practice, it could offset your lack of retreat experience, and we would encourage you to apply.



    Chris M

    > We will consider a weeknight class in the future depending on overall demand for the course.

    (Hope this isn’t being annoying..) just checking in, how is registration going, any chance of changing one of the classes to later on Saturday, or on a weekday/night?



    Blake Barton

    Hi Chris,

    You are certainly not being annoying. We have about 45 applicants so far, and we are still accepting applications for another month. People have applied based on the days and times that we have published. If we have a large enough demand we might consider adding a third section on a weekday evening, but we would have to line up new teachers etc, so it is probably not that likely to happen.

    However, we plan to offer this course again in 9 months or so, and we will strongly consider a weeknight class.

    Thanks for your understanding,


    Blake Barton

    As a reminder, the deadline to apply for the Dedicated Practitioners Course is September 15th at 11:00 PM PST. We are pleased to announce a very limited number of partial scholarships for the course over and above paying at the scholarship level. If you are interested, please apply for the course and mention that you need a scholarship on your application. If you are accepted, we will ask you to fill out a separate scholarship application form. You may apply for the course here.

    We were unable to add a weeknight class, but we are now offering an audit option which may work for some of you who are unable to attend a course on the weekends.
    The following are the terms and requirements for auditing the course.

    Limited number of students will be accepted to audit
    Fee is 80% of regular course fee
    Must be accepted to the course like everyone else
    Must meet all requirements except attending the live class (like meditation)
    Complete a statement of why he/she wants to audit instead of fully participating
    Auditing will not count as prerequisite for Teacher Training class

    Access to live recordings β€” audio
    Access to all course materials
    Access to Mentors β€” one-on-one not office hours, Dana to support mentors requested
    Agrees not to share the course materials.

    No access to live class video discussions
    No access to buddy groups
    No access to mentor office hours
    No access to the course online forum / discussion
    No prerequisite credit toward Teacher Training with Culadasa

    Blake – DT Teacher



    Hi Blake.

    I started meditating following the TMI method 45 days ago and have been regular in my practice since. I’ve added a second session in the evening and seeing encouraging results.

    I’m really interested in taking the dedicated practitioner course and have applied. Similar to Prashant above have not done a retreat yet but planning to do some in the future.


    Francis Renaud

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